Dating Falmouth

Find local singles in Falmouth

Long distance relationships rarely work. Give yourself the best chance at finding love by joining Cornwall Singles, the leading local dating site for singles living in and around Cornwall.

Search, browse and communicate with over 50,000 local singles from the comfort of your own home or take Cornwall Singles with you with our fully featured mobile site.

Come and find love in Falmouth

We got fed up of the big nationwide dating sites with their impersonal feel. Mr or Mrs Right is so often closer than you think. That’s why we created Cornwall Singles. We only cater for people in Cornwall. Keeping things closer to home means you’re more likely to find someone you connect with.

Three reasons to pick as your dating website of choice

  • Exclusively developed for Cornwall singles only
  • Dedicated customer support team available seven days a week
  • Dating on the move with our industry leading mobile app (no download required)
Register for free and start meeting local singles today

Are you over 50 and looking for a serious relationship?

Why not try, our sister site exclusively for singles over 50. With the same industry leading features, support and easy to use dating website as Cornwall Singles, our mature dating site allows older singles to enjoy the benefits of online dating in their own relaxed environment.

If you’ve been single for a while or just looking to make some new friends we’re sure Cornwall Singles can find you someone in Falmouth. Our starter account is 100% FREE - we don’t even need any credit card details. It gives you full access to search and get a taste of the site. You can start adding to your profile or send messages to members you find interesting. It only takes about 30 seconds to sign up. Just use the quick, secure form at the top and we’ll set up your account straight away!